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Bob’s Blog - Year #8

Bob’s Blog - Year #8

This is officially the longest time I have ever worked anywhere. I am a baby boomer.  I was supposed to work in a factory for thirty years and then retire to Florida, to complain about the state of the nation. I did have my turn at a few factories, first a...

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Happy 6 Year El's Cards Anniversary to Bob!

Happy 6 Year El's Cards Anniversary to Bob!

I would like to call this my annual blog post, but if Ellen could convince me, she would have me posting every month. So, I compromise and offer a few blog posts each year. This one is considered the annual because it is the month when I started working with...

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A Word from Bob-2021 Spring Check in

A Word from Bob-2021 Spring Check in

What a year it has been, that is an expression that will get overused quickly. Who could possibly explain all the challenges, obstacles, defeats, and victories of an entire year? However, I am aware of the tragedies that many have faced. I hope people have come together with family, friends,...

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A Blog from Bob-Artisan Markets-2020 Style

A Blog from Bob-Artisan Markets-2020 Style

Artisan Market Season in our area seems to start in or around April.  We have done some shows at that time of year and they were held indoors. The Artisan Market really becomes popular when the good weather comes our way, and the vendors show up like a gypsy caravan...

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Recycle and Reuse to Benefit Everyone

Recycle and Reuse to Benefit Everyone

When is comes to sending items, through the mail or another type of carrier, most people do not give the issue much thought. The only time people consider it is when they receive something delivered that has been damaged by mishandling or poor packaging. I think about going to a...

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Happy 5 Year Anniversary to Bob!!!

Happy 5 Year Anniversary to Bob!!!

Ellen had asked me to write this blog at the beginning of April. I said there was plenty of time, what else do we have to do? It is funny how doing nothing can take so much time. This month is the fifth anniversary of my partnership in my wife’s...

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We are apart together

We are apart together

We are apart together. I did not invent this new saying, but I do really like it. I am sitting alone in my home based workshop; my wife is upstairs in her home based office/studio. To us, this is a normal workday. We have been doing this for the last...

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Behind the Scenes with Bob-Tools for the Job

Behind the Scenes with Bob-Tools for the Job

I remember being in 7th grade and the school had a wood shop.  They may have thought that by this age we would understand and respect tools. Not so in my case.  A mishap with a sharp chisel and off to the hospital for a lot of stitches. I went on...

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Staying Organized-A Few Tips from Bob

Staying Organized-A Few Tips from Bob

People who have visited our workshop are very quick to comment “Wow, it is so organized.” I will admit I have a sense of pride when I hear those words. Sometimes when working in a large shop with many people around, it is harder to keep things in order. I...

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A two year milestone with a special post from Bob

A two year milestone with a special post from Bob

I wake up in the morning and feel like I am still engaged in an argument. As the dream starts to fade and I shake off the sleepiness, the dream seems more like a nightmare. I was having an argument with a customer, the customer wanted a refund for a...

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