Bonjour, mes amies! It's been a while since I have done a blog post. The rain is coming down (April showers today...looking forward to those May flowers!). We are still here and hard at work in our New Hampshire studio. We have had a super busy year thus far...lots of...
Bob’s Blog - Year #8
This is officially the longest time I have ever worked anywhere. I am a baby boomer. I was supposed to work in a factory for thirty years and then retire to Florida, to complain about the state of the nation. I did have my turn at a few factories, first a...
We need your help with something fun!! :)
Hello friends! What a year 2023 has been so far! We are super busy with wedding mailings and with making some big and beautiful changes to the wedding section of our website. Now I am spending time getting our new spring and summer launches ready too-cards, notepads, new Beloved Bookshelf...
What's going on at El's Cards?!?
Hi friends!! Just a quick blog check in to say Hello and bring you up to speed on what's going on here at El's Cards. We've been radio silent with good reason! When Bob and I started working together full time in 2015, we decided that a new website was a...
El's Cards on NH Chronicle-watch it here!
See El's Cards on NH Chronicle! Click here :) Hello friends! Happy Holidays to all! On Friday night, we enjoyed watching a beautiful segment about El's Cards on NH Chronicle created by the insightful journalist Karen Meyers. You may have seen my post shortly after Karen and Jason (the talented cameraman), came...
NH Chronicle Air Date-Friday, 12/16
We are soooo excited to share this great news! This Friday, December 16th, at 7pm on WMUR El's Cards will be featured in a story on NH Chronicle. Thank you so much to all of you who have reached out and wished us good luck! This is an exciting time...
Behind the Scenes-Kitchen Remodel by Bob
It's been a great year here at El's Cards! We have been busy with some great new projects and getting organized for the show season and the holiday season to come. Not to mention, weddings are back and going stronger than ever! For years, Bob had wanted to take the time to re-do...
2023 Desk Calendars are HERE!!
It's that time of year! And I am SOOOO pleased to roll out our NEW desk calendars for 2023! What a great year 2022 has been so far. Looking around when shopping, I was already seeing calendars and figured I should get my act together so we are excited to...
Gift Wrap isn't just for Wrapping Presents
It's been another great year for creative ideas! Last year, we introduced some gift wrap that I had designed as part of our gift wrap service. That paper went over so well that earlier this year we decided to do some gift wrap using our hydrangea design. And that was...
Holiday Launch Day 2021 is here!
It's a big day here at El's Cards. Later in the day than I had hoped, but you know...everything takes longer than anticipated. Every year we look forward to the holiday season and we kick it off with our launch at the beginning of November! Last year we added a...
Happy Autumn Days...and Holiday Prep!
This is hands down my favorite time of the year! The leaves are changing, the air is dry and cool, and I start lighting my pumpkin candles and try to enjoy the present moments...yet still thinking about the holiday season to come. We are happy to have introduced some fun...
Happy 6 Year El's Cards Anniversary to Bob!
I would like to call this my annual blog post, but if Ellen could convince me, she would have me posting every month. So, I compromise and offer a few blog posts each year. This one is considered the annual because it is the month when I started working with...
A Word from Bob-2021 Spring Check in
What a year it has been, that is an expression that will get overused quickly. Who could possibly explain all the challenges, obstacles, defeats, and victories of an entire year? However, I am aware of the tragedies that many have faced. I hope people have come together with family, friends,...
The 10 Card a Month Challenge
I love a good challenge and always have! This one came to mind one morning in January when Bob and I were having our coffee and working on our Goals for 2021. Every January, we make a list of intentions that we hope to accomplish here at El's Cards for the coming year. When I...
NEW for Valentine's Day!
Every year, Valentine's Day sneaks up on me! We always work so hard right through December for the holiday season and then all of a sudden, it's mid-January and I realize we need some new Valentine designs. For the longest time, I have enjoyed sending Valentine's Day cards to my friends...
We welcome in 2021!
What a year it has been. We were so looking forward to 2020. The previous year, 2019, was challenging for many reasons. We had some big personal losses and were truly looking forward to a fresh start in 2020. The year started off great! We had lots of great shows lined...
Wishing you Hope, Joy, and Love-FREE wallpaper
Hello friends of El's Cards. What a year 2020 has been. So different than past years in many ways. Bob and I have learned so much about our business, ourselves, and how to adapt and make the best of what at some moments looked like an impossible situation. We missed working with...
How are El's watercolor maps created?
During a regular year in craft show season, our watercolor maps are often the star of the show. We put them in barn wood frames for a beautiful display and we have sold out of these frames in a day more than once. Every year, I add a few maps...
Holiday Launch 2020-New designs and MORE!!
I got dressed up on Monday. Not in an evening gown or anything like that, but dressed up for a pandemic year. Actual pants (vs. sweats), a nice sweater, and a real top (vs. sweatshirt), jewelry, full makeup and shoes (vs. slippers). I've been working on all the items for our Christmas launch...
Happy 5 Year Anniversary to Bob!!!
Ellen had asked me to write this blog at the beginning of April. I said there was plenty of time, what else do we have to do? It is funny how doing nothing can take so much time. This month is the fifth anniversary of my partnership in my wife’s...
Behind the Scenes with Bob-Tools for the Job
I remember being in 7th grade and the school had a wood shop. They may have thought that by this age we would understand and respect tools. Not so in my case. A mishap with a sharp chisel and off to the hospital for a lot of stitches. I went on...