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FREE Wedding Postponement Notices

Lately, I found myself watching too much news, and I noticed it was really stressing me out. My disposition is generally a good one. I am a positive person by nature. But I was finding myself feeling a bit negative and "occasionally" snapping at people (read:Bob ;) So in this time of uncertainty (it seems like something else changes every day), we wanted to do something positive to help.  

At the end of last week, we were talking over our morning coffee about what we could do for our clients who need to postpone their weddings.  We decided to create some postponement notices so they would have something pretty to send to their family and friends if they needed them.  I spent a couple of days doing calligraphy headings and putting together some simple designs that would hopefully appeal to anyone who is looking for something like this.

Worth mentioning-these notices are not only being offered to our clients...we are putting them out there for anyone who may need them.  There are 3 versions of this postponement announcement available. 

The first is totally FREE to everyone.  It is a low resolution pdf of any of our 6 original designs.  All you need to do is reach out to El's Cards either through our Contact page or email  Let me know the bride and groom's names and new wedding date (if a new date is set). If you need to adjust the wording slightly to include an email RSVP for a changed date, or have other wording adjustments also include that in the message.  I will set up a proof for you to see and send it right along for you to email to your guests.  A few things to consider when selecting this version:

  • This is a low resolution image, so it is not printable.
  • If you are planning to email your guests directly-please heed this advice-  Based on our experience, we recommend that you send out no more than 10 emails at any one time, at five or even ten minute intervals, and no more than 100 in any hour. Sending at any higher rate is strongly discouraged. Send out no more than one mailing per week to the same list (this suggestion is taken from
  • Set it up as being sent to you as the primary recipient, then add the guests for that batch under BCC (blind carbon copy). That way if people "reply all" it will not be sent to all the guests on your list.
  • If using an email program where you can just send one email at one time, Mailchimp is a free option.  Just be mindful that sometimes these emails can end up in people's spam folders.
  • You may want to use a program like Greenvelope to send your emails. This is an on line invitation service where you can input your own design. I can size it appropriately for you if you decide on this route. Please let me know if this is your plan when you send your names and new date, so we can size correctly for you.

The second version, you can order from our website and the cost is $10.  Please note: Our current 2020 wedding clients do not pay a fee for this version either.  This is a high resolution PDF that you can print at home using your own printer and cardstock. This is our DIY version on the Postponement Cards page.  Same six designs...just a little more work for you!  On the DIY ordering pages, we have made some suggestions of where you can order good quality paper and envelopes.  The ordering process is also explained there.

Postponement notices

The third version is one where you provide the info (just like the other two versions) and we print in house for you.  We use our same high quality papers that you expect to receive from El's Cards. Cost of this version is $1.50 per card/envelope.  We are sending out a shipment of these for a couple in Pennsylvania today, who found out about us from the groom's sister!  Thank you all for helping spread the word.  We are hoping this will be helpful to some people out there, who are trying to make the best of a challenging situation.

We would love for you to share this with anyone who may need to change their wedding plans.  Feel free to share. 

Bob and I are working away on our end! We truly appreciate all our wonderful customers who are placing card orders and sending us such positive feedback on social media and through email. We thank  you sincerely!
El & Bob